Unusual birthday party ideas for adults: To experience an adventure together on a birthday, do something extraordinary – that’s what a good idea is all about! My top 5 ideas on how to celebrate your birthday differently are creative, exciting, and sporty for your body or mind.
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5 Best Unusual Birthday Party Ideas for Adults
In our opinion, you should do something exciting, exciting and extraordinary on your birthday! Do not just sit at home on the couch: Birthday is only once a year, and it’s the perfect occasion to experience something special together! Celebrate your birthday differently. Just do something unusual. For example, break out of jail together, or make a photoshoot with your best friends or cook a meal together in a professional kitchen with a real professional chef or learn how to make chocolates.
Celebrating my absolute favorites in terms of birthday are all interactive! Because for me, one thing has never changed since the birthdays of my childhood: for me, the most beautiful birthdays were those in which we experienced an adventure together or something creative emerged. My mother was insane in this respect – every birthday was a theme party, there were matches, scavenger hunts, rallies or we made something, carved, tinkered. Logically, my personal best of my birthday ideas with a difference is shaped by my secret love for the playful and creative, right?
When you were a kid, it was self-evident: the birthday is one of the most exciting days of the year. And that was because the parents had lovingly prepared the birthday – with games, as a theme party or a unique experience like minigolf go, in the trampoline hall, on the indoor adventure playground. At some point, most people stop it, and instead you sit comfortably at home or in a pub and talk. That’s nice – but nothing special. There are such great experiences that you should have done once and for the birthday is the perfect occasion!
My ideas are not hierarchical! But I’m interested in which idea you like best or what you’re missing, and I’m looking forward to your comment!
1. Birthday Party as a Culinary Journey of Discovery
- Number of persons: 2-20
Enjoyment is here program. There are in every city (and definitely in every region of Germany) culinary delicacies that are typical for them. And that’s what it’s all about – discovering them!
If you want to celebrate your birthday party in a city, go there together with the train (with the Deutsche Bahn country tickets that is not too expensive) and search the internet for some typical food and drinks. Then run through the city, feasting, tasting, comparing, and discovering what she has to offer. My friends were very enthusiastic about this very differently designed birthday party in Leipzig and Regensburg.
In the wine regions of Germany, one can also undertake wine hikes and migrate from winery to winery. I know wine trails in the Palatinate and Baden Würtemberg (Sasbach-Walden). Here you can get an overview of where there are wine tours – I have unfortunately not yet discovered a better side.
In Bavaria, however, there was a culinary hike for me that is hard to beat: the beer hike! Since Bavaria has a high brewery density, it is the Eldorado for every beer lover – but beer trails are also available in Cologne and elsewhere. On the website of the German Brewing Federation, there are some listed! Top Tip: the Five Seidla Trail in Franconian Switzerland!
Because there, every hiking troupe encounters cattle drinkers or nicely lined up fine spirits with a donation box to strengthen between meals. As you walk, the mood increases almost automatically.
Does it sound like a lot of preparation stress? You can book tours, where samples are already there, for example, at Momente. If you want to celebrate your birthday party at home or a party location, check out the theme party theme list and the top 10 adult theme party themes and cheer through our party ideas.
Celebrate 5-unusual ideas for a happy birthday
2. Creative Birthday Party With Workshop
- Number of persons: 2-10
If you ask me: Being creative together is the hottest thing out there! Especially when you make nails with your head and learn a skill that you always wanted. As a plus builds, forges, shapes, or chisels a memento – best something that you want to have.
Without preparation effort: For this, you book a course for all participants on the birthday. This can go in the purse but does not have to. You can also ask in front of who would like to take a course in chocolates with you as a birthday event, fashion jewelry, sewing, build a table and for that arises quasi as a birthday present, that you do it together.
Or you can do everything you need for your workshop and organize a creative party where you make something. For example, decoration with concrete, modern jewelry – even chiseling sculptures can be done at home. Sure, you have to gain experience of what works well and what does not, while a workshop shows a professional, how it works best, betrays tips and tricks and guarantees optimal success.
3. Go on a Treasure Hunt or Scavenger Hunt & Catch Gangsters
- Number of persons: 2-30, ideal with children
Adults crawl through the bushes on all fours, exploring dilapidated factory buildings with glowing eyes: the geocaching fever has seized them. Go on a treasure hunt and find a treasure with the GPS, which someone has hidden: this is Geocaching. It’s a lot of fun and perfects if you want to celebrate your birthday differently and have children with you.
Geocaching can be done outdoors in nature as well as in the city. Because everywhere in Germany there are hidden treasures to lift – you have to look out for one of these GPS scavenger hunts. You can watch it on the internet, or you can get back to a guide (costs about 13 euros). Of course, you can also book GeoCaching with providers and then be fully equipped with everything you need (GPS device, etc.).
Less adventurous and muddy, there is also the opportunity to explore a new city in a scavenger hunt. I can highly recommend the city scavenger hunt, Dresden – because you do not need a city guide and you discovered during a scavenger hunt the city itself.
What I want to try out, puts another shit action on it: namely, there are also real scavenger hunts thrillers, where you start with the GPS to a mission: gangsters grab the game The Target of tabbandit for example, etc.
Treasure Hunt and Scavenger Hunt – is not that the same thing? Nope! In the one waits at the end of a treasure that there is to discover and the Schnitzeljad not necessarily.
4. To Have an Adventure Together & Celebrate Your Birthday Differently!
- Number of persons: 2-6
Whoever wanted to slip into the skin of Indiana Jones or James Bond and solve tricky puzzles, crack codes, find secret doors, lift lost treasures, and master a mission? And that is only 60 minutes. Together with your guests. An awesomely designed world where you immediately leave everyday life behind and together has a lot of fun.
I come out as an avowed escape game fan. And I’m not alone with that – who once started playing with the Escape Game does not stop that fast.
It is excellent if you want to celebrate your birthday differently in the evening. Before and in the middle of a pub crawl, for example, or as a highlight after having dinner together. For adventure friendship, we have tried out some Escape Rooms in Berlin and reported about it, if you want to read how exactly you can imagine.
An overview of where Escape Games are available, and you can get here. However, not all escape games are listed! Best research again, regionally.
Tip for home: There are also escape games for the house. They are much cheaper than a live escape game and too great fun. But you can not compare the two – it’s a different experience!
5. Birthday Party With Lasertag in the Blacklight Course
- Number of persons: 2-20
Working together as a team to master a course with obstacles, score points and accomplish tasks – and all this in the black light in a great atmosphere. Laser Tag is currently next to Escape Games, the trend in indoor games and great for anyone who wants to celebrate his birthday differently and athletic in the laser syndrome.
At the beginning of each player gets a vest that is equipped with sensors and a phaser. As soon as one of the sensors is hit by an infrared or laser beam from the phaser, this saves a computer and deducts a point from the player, lets it out or it is deactivated for a while. Besides, there are often so-called targets – targets that the team has to hit. Many laser tag providers can play missions on the team or compete against other teams – or even play zombies.
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