20 Best Birthday Gift for 3 Years Old Boy of 2022

The best birthday gift for 3 years old boy: Let’s talk about what to consider when choosing a birthday gift for a boy’s birthday, what to do so that the long-awaited surprise does not turn into disappointment for the birthday person.

Main Recommendations When Choosing a Birthday Gift for 3 Years Old Boy

Before choosing the best birthday gift for 3 years old boy, consider the general age-related features: the desire for independence, the formation of self-esteem, the rapid development of speech, awareness of what was said, the development of fine motor skills of hands and sensory perception.

20 Best Birthday Gift for 3 Years Old Boy of 2022

The leading activity of children aged 3 years is the game. It is also necessary to understand individual characteristics: the character of the baby, temperament, physical development, the presence of contraindications for health reasons, the presence of allergies.

Before making the right choice, look at what best birthday gift for 3 years old boy has a destination. A birthday is a reason for a holiday, especially if it is a child’s birthday – the boy’s 3rd anniversary.

At this age, children are waiting for birthday presents, waiting for something like a miracle. Choosing the best birthday gift for 3 years old boy is not so difficult. The kid loves cartoons, is passionate about toys, and loves to fantasize.

From this article, you will learn what you can give a boy for 3 years, how best to congratulate him on this event.

Before Going to the Store

What should not be given to a 3 year old boy? In this case, you need to choose a present in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child, his interests, personal qualities, abilities. It is worth remembering common mistakes.

  • You should not give the little boy money in the hope that he will choose his birthday gift himself – the child will not understand the value of such a birthday gift and, most likely, will not be able to dispose of it correctly.
  • Do not give something for the future, and you need to consider the age of the boy.
  • You should never give household items or clothing to a 3-year-old child.

The birthday gifts offered at the family council may be practical for adults, but uninteresting as a present for a 3-year-old child.

Imagine how the baby will receive the birthday gift if:

  • Dad will decide what to give the boy 3-4 years old you need an annual subscription to the pool,
  • Mom is going to organize a trip to the water park,
  • Grandfather with grandmother – participation in the children’s show of the Shopping Center.

Most likely, the boy’s face will express gloom and depression. It is necessary to choose the best birthday gift for 3 years old boy based on the desires of the child, and their baby will probably voice it.

Best Birthday Gift for 3 Years Old Boy

Design kits for every taste can be found in the “Children’s World” or shops for hobbies. Parts in the kit can be metal or wood. A 3-year-old needs to choose kits with large parts that he cannot swallow.

Children’s Car

Whatever car you buy for a child – with an electric motor or pedal drive – the main thing is that the baby will have his own vehicle, which is so much like daddy’s car.

The Bike

An iron friend with three wheels is the best birthday gift for a 3-year-old boy if the child likes to walk in the fresh air with his parents. With a scooter or a bicycle, children’s walks will become much more interesting.

Run Bike

Run bike – a two-wheeled bicycle without pedals. The movement is due to the repulsion of the child’s feet from the ground.

The development of movement, coordination, and balance. A wide selection of color, height, purpose. By adjusting the seat, one run bike will last up to 5-6 years.

High speed of movement. An inattentive and unprepared child may accidentally go on the road or get into a hole. High probability of injury.


The scooter will delight the birthday boy. When driving on a scooter, not only balance but also attention develops. compactness, joy from skiing.

If you lose control of your vehicle, the child will easily jump off the scooter. outdoor use only in the summer.


Sledge, Ice-boats, and snow-cats snegomobili handy boy for winter activities. The kid will be delighted with the opportunity to slide off the icy mountain without fear of wiping his pants.

Mini Trampoline

The mesh on the spring will give the little boy many joyful minutes and will help to “pump” coordination, strengthen the vestibular apparatus.

Educational Games for 3 Years Old Children

They are aimed at developing the perception of color, form, familiarization with the outside world.

These are interactive toys with musical and speech accompaniment in the form of tablets and laptops, cardboard cards, laces, various thematic inserts, wooden pyramids, cubes, lotto, mosaic.

In each children’s store, the developers have a whole department for any choice. This category also includes a training laptop or tablet.

A sports complex can be purchased as a birthday gift to a child if the area of ​​the apartment allows you to place it in a dwelling or on the street.

Without a doubt, this is a useful present for a three-year-old boy. Studying on the ropes, horizontal bar, ladder, the baby will be busy for a long time and will be able to develop physically.

The Machine

If girls love dolls most of all, then boys are cars. Although a real collection of cars has already been assembled in the children’s room, the child will be delighted with another brand new jeep, bulldozer, or dump truck.

The Railway

This is the dream of all the boys and their fathers. It is a pleasure for a child to watch wagons moving along miniature rails. The three-year-old will certainly like to collect the railroad, and then roll trains on the rails.

Toy Soldiers

Plastic or wooden figures of soldiers will occupy any boy for a long time, they will help him develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Set of Tools

Usually, 3-year-old boys carefully watch how dads repair a car or repair something in an apartment. Buy a box for the baby with a baby’s hammer, a screwdriver, a key and give the child a couple of collapsible “toys” for training.

A ship, a helicopter, an airplane is also a wonderful birthday gift for a little navigator or captain. There is no need to buy radio-controlled toys – a kid at this age likes to command ships and airplanes himself.


Three-year-old children, of course, still cannot build huge castles or make model aircraft, but they can easily assemble a compact house, garage, train.

Success is inevitable if the designer is based on the beloved children’s cartoon.


Double-sided drawing board is an original birthday gift for a 3-year-old boy who manifests himself as an artist.

The product has one side magnetic, the other for crayons. On such an easel it is convenient to draw with felt-tip pens, markers, and to attach various developmental aids with magnets.

Musical instruments Bike

These are products that develop hearing, train a sense of tact, proper breathing. Thanks to the dance mat, the baby will learn how to move flexibly.

The young musician will certainly enjoy making different sounds using a guitar, a synthesizer for children, and a harmonica.

Sculptor’s Set

Choose a sculptor’s set or a set for engraving, or maybe for an application? Do not doubt.

Each of the sets on the shelf will expand the creative abilities of the child, introduce you to different techniques, and help create interesting work. Here we have coloring books, plasticine, and colorful felt-tip pens.

Car Seat or a New Bed, Baby Bedding or Clothes

The joy of the parents of the little hero of the occasion will cause a children’s birthday gift, which will be useful in everyday life and will save you from future forced expenses. For example, a car seat or a new bed, baby bedding or clothes.


If you choose the health sector, then you should take a closer look at options such as an orthopedic pillow, an illuminated air humidifier, a complex of baby vitamins, or a subscription to the salt cave.

Name Spoon

A silver name spoon, a beautiful collage of family photos, a children’s photo album will wake up memories and warm when childhood is behind, and adult life lies ahead.

Carnival Costume

An interesting birthday gift for a little protector will be the carnival costume of Spider-Man or another character. In the game, the boy will pretend to be his idol from the TV screen and save humanity from a terrible death.

Star Night Light for Kids

It will give a fabulous atmosphere while the baby is sleeping. In nightlights, there is a function to set any melody or audio tale. helping parents put their baby up. It can be used for fun daytime activities. Will delight at any age.

Swing for home

There are suspended and stationary. riding on a swing is one of the most beloved funs for children aged 3 years. Stationary swings can be installed anywhere, including indoors.

Diy Birthday Gifts

Anyone can knit socks, a scarf, make a small house for the kid’s games, decorate a wall or ceiling in a child’s room, but it will take a lot of time and effort. such a birthday gift will symbolize a special warmth and love for the baby.

Do Not Forget About Mom

A sign of attention in the form of a bouquet of flowers for mom will be a pleasant and unexpected surprise, and the birthday boy will appreciate your attitude to his beloved and only mom.

What Should Not Be Given to a Boy for 3 Years

Toy weapons are a dangerous birthday gift, especially if loaded with “harmless” bullets

Yes, all the boys love to play war, and, unfortunately, in no way without weapons in battle. Invite the child to assemble his sword or rifle from a birthday gifted designer. It will be more useful and safer.

How to Pack a Birthday Gift in an Original Way

Now there are many different colors and structures of packaging film and paper, which allows you to decorate any birthday gift yourself.

In chain stores, there are ready-made birthday gift boxes. And if we add a composition of balloons in the form of a horse, a saber, or even one balloon with a cheerful bright inscription to our packaging, it will turn out original and fun.

Money Birthday Gifts

Choose a cash birthday gift if you were invited to a birthday, but physically there is not enough time to choose a birthday gift, and it may not work out for the holiday itself.

We give the envelope with the money with the obvious amount to the parents or we pass the funny piggy bank with the secret amount into the hands of the beginning financier.

A more significant and serious birthday gift is a targeted children’s contribution. Such a contribution can be opened and replenished only by relatives.

The universal option is a precious metal coin in any subject (according to the horoscope, eastern calendar). The money will never be superfluous. Getting started with financial literacy. Only parents will like this birthday gift.

Briefly About the Main Thing

  • Each child is unique and has its own characteristics.
  • Decide on what criteria you will choose a birthday gift: at a price, by purpose, by usefulness, or by practicality.
  • If you decide to surprise everyone and make a birthday gift with your own hands, start cooking in advance to be in time for the holiday.
  • A cash birthday gift will also please a child if you pay attention to its packaging and design.
  • Make sure the surprise is safe before handing it to the baby.
  • Do not forget to shoot on a camcorder and photograph the moments of the holiday and the presentation of birthday gifts. It’s priceless!