Best Birthday Party Ideas for 1 Year Old Boy: This is a great opportunity to gather family members and best friends at a common table and proudly share the achievements of their crumbs.
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Best Birthday Party Ideas for 1 Year Old Boy
Each 1st birthday party for Boy is a special holiday for parents, and without exception, all moms and dads want to make this day joyful and unforgettable. I’ll tell you how to celebrate a 1st birthday party ideas for boys depending on the age of the child and on what points you should pay special attention to.
Where to Celebrate Unique first birthday party ideas for boys?
The 1st birthday of Boy is to be celebrated best celebrated at home. Kids aged one or two are wary of a change of scenery, so the holiday will bring more joy and take place without excesses if it is celebrated in a calm and familiar home atmosphere.
Who to Invite?
Children under two years of age feel insecure in the company of strangers, so the best Birthday Party Ideas for 1 Year Old Boy option is to celebrate the baby’s birthday in a narrow family circle or invite-only two or three of your closest friends.
Only the closest people. It is better than their number does not exceed 6-7 people. If your baby is actively interested in “like yourself,” be sure to call other kids. But by no means peers! The baby can quickly lose interest in them and get bored. Children of two or three years old are also not the best company – most likely, they will perceive the birthday person as a toy and, if they are inadvertent, can hurt him. Younger preschoolers (2-3 people) are the best option. The baby will watch with interest how they play, and will surely try to join in the entertainment.
Birthday Party Menu
Young children are not accustomed to traditional feast food, so the best Birthday Party Ideas for 1 Year Old Boy option would be to cook some dishes for adults. And as a treat for the birthday person, put fresh chopped vegetables, berries, ice cream in bowls, cheese and simple crackers on the table.
This is exactly the case when a completely traditional table with appetizers, hot and dessert is suitable.
How to Entertain Children
Kids at this age still do not know how to entertain themselves on their own, so parents will have to act as the main instigators of fun at the festival. Buy balloons and soap bubbles or know about some great 1st birthday entertainment ideas we have shared earlier- the child will really like it.
Arrange fascinating finger-painting, play simple birthday games that are understandable to the baby, sing funny songs, and dance.
A one-year-old baby will love games in which his favorite toys are involved. At first glance, they may seem very simple, but your child will surely be delighted if the elder friend shows how to jump on the fitball, and the girl Anya will teach how to set up a table for doll tea.
Well, if you manage to organize such joint games of younger preschool children and the hero of the occasion, which will be interesting to all children. Failsafe option – drawing. Glue several sheets of paper in advance – you get a large “canvas” on which you can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints, including finger ones. By the way, the resulting masterpiece will be a wonderful memory of the celebration.
What It is Necessary to Do
Fortune Telling
One of the most popular, which has taken root in our days. A number of items are laid out in front of the birthday man: a ring (successful marriage or marriage), wallet (wealth), dumbbell (health), a book (intellectual abilities), colors (creative abilities). Now it remains only to wait for what your baby will choose and correctly decipher the results.
Merry Quiz
Prepare questions that would directly relate to the birthday boy: how much the baby had at birth, what color is his spring overalls, favorite song or favorite dish of the baby. Do not forget to prepare small gifts for those participating, for example, calendars with photos of the birthday person.
On a sheet of A3 format, attach three photographs of a year old: yours, the father of the child, and the baby himself. Let the guests mark who the birthday boy looks like. Want to complicate the fun? Then under the photos sign the parts of the face: nose, mouth, eyes, cheeks. Perhaps the guests will decide: they took something from the papa, something from the mother.
Pot With Surprise
Put in a row plastic pots for medium-sized flowers, hide gifts for little guests under them. Have the children take turns to get the ball into one of the pots from a short distance (about a meter). In case of a successful throw, the baby will be able to raise the pot and pick up the gift.
Reach the Goal
Cut 4 pairs of footprints from thick cardboard for each baby the size of a baby’s foot. Invite the child to get from the beginning of the room to its end, stepping only on the tracks, but without touching the floor.
Hide and Seek
Tie a long rope to the toy mouse – 5-6 meters. Hide the toy, and put the rope on the floor, slide it under the chairs, and in some places stretch it on the table. Tell the kids the story about the mouse that came running to congratulate the birthday boy and hid. Invite the children to find her on the trail – a long tail-rope.
In Search of Treasures
In five-liter pots (there should be as many as there are children at the holiday). Sprinkle enough cereal. Hide a few walnuts in each pan. Invite each of the children to find these nuts in pots with cereals.
Drive a Dance
The popular Round Loaf Loop can be replaced with other similar games. Everyone gets up in a round dance and moves in a circle: “We inflate a balloon quickly, it becomes big! (Hands spread apart.) The ball suddenly burst, became thin! (They lower the handles down and, without disengaging them, run to the center of the round dance.) “.
Children under two years old get tired very quickly, so be prepared to leave the guests for a while in advance if you have to put to bed a birthday party that has been frightened of fatigue.