Best 3rd Birthday Party Ideas for 3-Year-Olds: A child’s birthday for modern parents is an essential and thorough preparation event. I would like to please both the baby and the guests and have a good time ourselves.
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Best 3rd Birthday Party Ideas for 3-Year-Olds of 2019
In this article, I will talk about the basic principles of organizing the birthday of a 3-year old child, about choosing a place for a celebration, about the nuances that you need to consider when compiling guest lists, and a lot of other useful information. This will help make the holiday unforgettable and avoid unpleasant situations.
Where to Celebrate a Birthday

When choosing a place, you need to consider several factors:
- The number of guests;
- Age of invited children
- Your personal preferences.
There are a lot of places where you can celebrate the celebration for every taste, color, and wallet.
Here are some ideas:
- Playground, with equipped birthday room.
- Cafe with a children’s area.
- Specific projects are organizing exciting quests appropriate for age.
- A picnic on the street, decorated and designed in a proper style, can also be.
- The most popular venue is at home.
We will consider each option from the convenience and benefit of the parents and the child because they are the main ones on this holiday.

A place with various play areas, trampolines, labyrinths, and other children’s entertainment. This option is convenient if invited children are 3-years old or older. Kids in such places have fun, but they need stringent supervision, a great chance to lose a child, or to overlook.
Typically, games provide the “turnkey holiday” service, the price of which includes visiting the game, animator and photo operator, some additions are possible.
- Pros: children have something to do in their free time from playing with the animator.
- Cons: the value of the event is lost, usually the invitees scatter around the game zones, returning some of them to the table or the birthday’s room will not be an easy task.
Cafe Equipped With a Playground
Typically, these sites are much smaller than in children’s centers, which makes childcare more feasible. And the ability to order a personal menu for each guest makes the cafe an excellent option.
When choosing a restaurant, carefully study the menu, familiarize yourself with children’s offers, dishes should be simple, but interesting for children.
Check-in advance the opportunity to bring your cake. Perhaps, at a banquet service, they go to a meeting and are allowed to bring their drinks and fruits.
- Pros: feed guests with prepared dishes, thoughtful children’s menu, no need to wash dishes, clean up.
- Cons: the baby can quickly overwork in an unfamiliar environment, take the choice carefully. The restaurant should be verified and with a good reputation. Expensive.

Specialized quests and shows
These are events designed for a specific age category that are held by professionals. A great option, but for older children. It is unlikely that a small birthday boy will be interested in scientific experiments for a long time, or in a theatrical performance (you can make such a program a part of the event, but not vice versa).
- Pros: exciting and colorful memories, but not in this category of kids.
- Cons: intensive concentration is necessary, which is impossible in 3 years.
Picnic on the Street
It can be quite a good option if the budget is entirely cut. Decorations in the form of balloons, beautiful plaids, sweet treats, and snacks – the festive picnic are ready.
Pros: the minimum amount of time and cost.
Cons: any fluctuations in nature will spoil the holiday (rain, suddenly started a strong wind), there are no primary sanitary conditions.
In my life, I had the experience of attending such an event. It turned out pretty well. A public park with a large green area was chosen as the site.
Birthday at home at 3-years old will be the best option for the hero of the occasion. At home, the child feels at ease, protected and confident, master of the situation.
Kids are happy to receive guests, conduct tours of their toys. The child will have the opportunity to realize the meaning of the holiday, that everyone comes to congratulate and please him. And if the child gets tired, then he can retire with his mother in a secluded place.
Whom to call for a three-year birthday
Of course, by this time, the baby already has friends. Without them, the birthday will not be so bright and memorable. Invite the kids together with their parents; they need an eye and an eye, they will not be up to it.
Relatives also should not be left without invitations.
It is best to celebrate on the same day, but if the birthday fell on a weekday, then you can leave this day for relatives. And friends to call the next weekend.
Diy Decoration
Connect the kid to create invitations. He can decorate them with sequins, paint or cut additional details.
Everyone will be pleased to receive such a card from the birthday person, and the hero of the occasion will feel the importance of the event in advance and will wait for the holiday even more.
Electronic Invitations
To send “we invite there, at such and such a thing” is too simple. And does not convey the mood of the children’s holiday.
Take a vivid photo of a child or the whole family, use a photo editor, decorate with bright inscriptions, masks, confetti, and the original invitation is ready if the baby is already talking. Ask him to give a couple of sentences about how he is waiting for guests and attach a note to the photo.
When drawing up an invitation, do not forget to indicate the exact date and place of the event. If the chosen room involves second shoes or warm clothes, be sure to inform the guests.
Home Celebration Ideas
Children’s holiday should be bright, magical, enchanting. It’s great if you manage to arrange a thematic birthday, all the more so it is so simple. A few tips below.
Topics for Girl’s Birthday Celebrations
Of course, without such issues anywhere. Young fashionistas will want to meet guests in a magnificent ball gown. The color scheme of jewelry can be different, not only pink, as many are used to. Cinderella, for example, wore a blue dress.
Preparing for the holiday, pick up a girl a hairpin or a rim in the shape of a crown, maybe mom will find the appropriate jewelry.
A popular theme among girls. Choose pastel colors gently for this style. Try to keep the theme in everything in the girl’s outfit, accessories (in many children’s stores, there are headbands, hair clips in this style).
Hello kitty
The character of Japanese pop culture holds its position among our children. Even if the daughter did not watch the cartoon, then most likely, she met his famous role in everyday life. Many children’s goods for girls are decorated in this theme. To decorate the room, use mainly pink shades. In stores for children’s parties, you can easily find thematic paraphernalia.
Minnie Mouse
Choosing this topic it will be easy for you to prepare for it. Recognizable mouse ears, red skirt, and the image are ready. The decor on this topic will be in red, white, and black colors.
Topics for Celebrating a Boy’s Birthday
All the boys love the themes of robbers when you can fool around and plunge into the magical world of adventure. By choosing this scenario of the holiday, you definitely will not lose, even if there are girls among the guests. Hide the treasure, and draw a simple map, find the wealth with the guests.
Well, what kind of boys do not like sports games? And that means there should be a lot of fun games and relay races. Arrange a children’s bowling, play hot potatoes, if there is a place, then organize a mini-relay. Do not forget about small presentations for each participant. A cake in the form of a soccer ball will be an excellent end to the celebration. Your son will be delighted.
Warfare attracts boys. Train them in light military teams, then use this for the game. It will turn out a funny sight. Arrange a game of scouts, decorate your faces with an army color, and give military bandanas to each guest. Girls can sew bandanas in pink camouflage.
At three years old, the child usually already knows precisely what he wants. If not, then a couple of questions on your part will help him decide.
Decoration of the room for the holiday
You can order them in select stores. The assortment there is usually just huge, arches, favorite characters, bouquets of balls. Report on the chosen topic and stick to it in the selection of colors. Pay attention to transparent balls with confetti inside and balloons fountains. It looks spectacular.
You can also rent a helium balloon yourself and inflate the balloons yourself.
You can do it yourself and connect the child and the whole family to this. It can be ordered at the printing house. Write the date and time of birth, weight and height at the birth of the baby, what achievements he has at 3 years old and at what time significant events of his life took place (he got up, sat down, crawled, learned to dance, saw the sea for the first time, laughed, got out the first tooth ), it all depends on your imagination.
Number 3
To decorate the premises, you can use the number corresponding to the number of years. You can make it yourself by decorating with flowers from napkins, corrugated paper, or pasting with other improvised means. The base must be strong, for example, from thick cardboard.
Create an exclusive zone for photographing. This will add zest to the holiday, and the photos will turn out beautiful, stylish, and exciting. You can contact the experts. They will do everything according to your wishes. But you can do it yourself, pull white or light fabric (chiffon, tulle) on the wall parts, drape it, you can fix it on strong double-sided tape and English needles. Balloons and paper flowers, garlands, and butterflies, a balloon with your own hands, will serve as decoration. There are no limits to fantasy, and the theme of the holiday will tell you the necessary elements.
Festive Look for a Girl
Choosing a dress or costume that matches the color scheme and style of the theme of the celebration, do not forget about additional accessories. The image of the princess will complement the crown and jewelry, Minnie must wear a bezel or hairpins with ears; the fairy does not forget her wings and magic wand.
Take Care of the Hairstyle
Let her be comfortable for the baby. Do not create an enchanting design on the girl’s head that can cause discomfort.
Festive Image of a Boy
You can buy a themed costume in the store, rent, or sew it yourself. And how elegant the young gentleman in a beautiful suit will look like on dad. Go with your son in advance to the hairdresser, do a hairstyle, the image should be neat.
When choosing an image for a child, think about his comfort, this is the most important. Clothing should not pull, hamper movement. It should not be hot or cold.
Festive Table
When thinking about a festive feast, be guided by the composition of the guests. For children, you can make familiar children’s dishes with simple recipes, for example:
- Fruit salad (chopped fruit season with yogurt or cream).
- Mashed potatoes with a cutlet of turkey, beef, or chicken.
- Skewers of chicken on skewers (marinate the chicken in olive oil with pepper and garlic).
- Homemade pizza.
- Baking (pies, pies).
- Homemade burgers (cutlet, bun, tomato paste sauce, slices of cheese, and vegetables).
For adults, cut a couple of salads, the second may be chicken, meat, or fish. Or use the food delivery service to relieve this day of over-cooking. Rolls, sushi, and pizza will suit some kids.
Place fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, fruit drinks, and clean water on the table. For children, it is better to use disposable tableware made of paper or plastic. She can be magnificent and fit the script for a holiday.
Sweet Table
Pay him more attention. Children love sweets, eat a lot of them. Choose responsible and experienced confectioners.
Cupcakes – mini cakes, small biscuit cakes, very convenient for events. Why comfortable? Because portioned, designed for one person. Inside the cake may be filling in the form of a cream, melted chocolate, berries or fruit jam, etc. These cakes are decorated with cream and fruit.
The cake is the main event for any birthday. We make it with candles, it is a symbol of the fulfillment of desires, so the cake should be the best. A good cake will erase any mistakes in the rest of the menu.
When choosing a filling, consult a professional, he will tell and tell about the composition of each option. Choose the one that you think will appeal to most guests, and most importantly, your child.

Cakes for 3-years Girl
The cake can be decorated according to your preferences. At the children’s party, the cake is the center of attention after the birthday, let the hero of the occasion think over the design of his cake, and you will carry it out. This will be another gift. All the kids are thrilled when the scenario of the holiday comes to the removal of the cake.
Children at the age of three are mostly not diligent, quickly lose interest in what is happening; you have to relax. It’s okay if you have an assistant. You can ask one of the parents about this favor in advance.
Write a script. This is the sequence of actions that you will follow, be prepared to change it in the course of events when you entertain three-year-olds, then anything can happen.

Games and Contests
Children’s disco
Record suitable children’s music on any device convenient for you. During the disco, you can arrange a competition with a hat. Pass the hat from his head, onto the head of a neighbor, on whom the music stops, he drops out, having received a prize.
Children’s riddles
Prepare and print them on a piece of paper in advance. Better at this age to choose puzzles in rhyme.
They should be simple, run around the chair, jump to the wall and back. When making up the baton, do not overload it with details. Here the rule “The simpler, the better!”
Remember this game from childhood? Write easy tasks on colored paper, and twist with a tube or fold, place in a container, let each participant choose 1-2 jobs. Assignments must be age-appropriate. For example, depict a wolf (chicken, horse, dad, mom), dancing, kissing a neighbor, and so on.
The game is a mirror
When the kids repeat the movements behind the leader, the leader can be not only adults but also children.
The sea is worried once!
At three years old, children do an excellent job with this popular game.
Children stand in a circle and hold hands. It is better if an adult helps them — birthday man in the center of round dance. Children walk in a circle and sing a well-known song about the name day.
When compiling a list of games and contests, remember that before you kids. Carefully explain the conditions of the game quickly, avoid abstruse explanations. Be sure to prepare small treats or prizes for each participant.
Briefly About the Main Thing
- When choosing a place of celebration, based on the number of guests and convenience for the child;
- When the home is selected, take care of the thematic decoration of the room;
- When choosing an outfit for a child, give preference to comfortable, breathable fabrics. Children should be healthy so that birthday celebrations are not tormenting;
- Children’s table should be appropriate for age, include non-allergic dishes, not only consist of sweets;
- If you treat guests with food to order, then order it in a trusted place;
- Cake and sweet treats are the main dishes at the children’s birthday, which are waiting for all children, without exception. Therefore, choose carefully and trust this part of the holiday only to professionals;
- Make a script of the celebration thought out, ask yourself the question “Will our children be able to do this?”, “And will it be interesting for them.” Remember, fun music will always help defuse the atmosphere;
- Have fun with the children, relax.