100+ Happy 1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew From Aunt & Uncle

Best 1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew From Aunt & Uncle: Young children are cute. We all like the innocent look of babies, especially when they are part of our family. On your Nephew’s birthday, give him a gift he can have fun with and wish him lots of happiness.

1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew

1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew

In this section, you will see the best 1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew. Send them on birthday cards or post them on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

  • 1-year-old today,
    you are the baby of the family
    that everyone
    cares for, loves, and pampers.
  • Besides that,
    I am lucky
    that you are my Nephew,
  • you cannot imagine how happy the beautiful news that you would arrive
    It was for me! It is a pride and daily happiness to know that you exist and that you grow little by little. Happy Birthday!
  • This day for me is the most special and the most beautiful of the year because your birth is commemorated, dear Nephew, and in this case, you are 1-year old! This time has been so beautiful.
  • The day after you were born, I was already there with you, contemplating your beautiful face, your tranquility, your first hours in this world, in life. I thank destiny very much, for giving me a nephew as good as you, Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to my little Nephew! 1-year of life, and every day I see him, he makes me smile.
  • You are already 1-year old, and in such a short time, you have brought me so many smiles. Congratulations, Nephew!
  • Nephew, when I go to visit you, it is very difficult for me to leave, because I would be with you for days and days. Today I know that the same thing will happen to me, because I will go to see you, to celebrate with your parents that you are 1 year old and that you have brought us all a great joy. Happy Birthday!
  • You are a 1-year old, Nephew, and I want to tell you that I love you, congratulations!
  • You are already 1-year old, my little Nephew, the day has come, and if we are happy to see you grow every day since you were born, today we are multiplied by a thousand because it is a day dedicated to celebrating for you.
  • Little Nephew, today we celebrate your first year, and the feeling is indescribable! We have lived unforgettable moments since your arrival, but what we love the most is how loving you are.
  • Seeing you having fun fills me with joy, And today much more because it is your big day! Happy first birthday, Nephew!
  • Happy Birthday, Nephew! Even if you are small, because you are only one year old, today is your day, and you will have a celebration as you deserve, prepared for you. And it will consist mainly of having many visits from the family, who wants to show you their love, and how happy they are because you were born.
  • Cute little Nephew, I wish with all my heart to continue watching you grow. This and all your next birthdays will always be very important to me, but this one even more because it is the first.
  • I will always remember this day because you came into my life! I love you so much!
  • You are 1-year old, Nephew, and you cannot imagine how happy I am to be able to spend this day with you. Happy Birthday!

1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew From Aunt

1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew From Aunt 

  • My little baby,
    the most beautiful and pretty,
    my little Nephew!
  • Seeing you is a joy,
    so smiling and fun,
    and so calm
    when you’re asleep!
  • Today the day is important,
    because you are one more year old,
    keep going!
  • Happy Birthday, Nephew! You are already a year old, and it is an exciting day for the whole family that loves you.
  • Happy first birthday, little Nephew! Today I will give you many kisses on those chubby little feet. I love you so much!
  • Nephew, this is your first birthday, so get ready for all the photos I’m going to take. I love you so much!
  • Nephew, you are 1-year old, and I’m on my way to give you a big hug, congratulations!
  • Already a year old and your first little teeth about to come out, you smile at the world as I say. Congratulations!

1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew From Uncle

1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew From Uncle

  • “I love you like a son, and you will always be special to me, happy birthday nephew.”
  •  “You are a beautiful baby whom I love very much, and that is why today I wish you a happy birthday.”
  • “I love to carry you, play with you and see you smile, that’s why my beloved little nephew wishes you a happy birthday from your heart.”
  • birthday greetings for my Nephew, birthday SMS for my Nephew “It is your first year, I hope that now and always you will be very happy.”
  • “When you grow up, you will realize that you have always been surrounded by people who love you and want the best for you, happy birthday, dear nephew.”
  • “I am sure that you will give your parents a lot of satisfaction and that you will be a successful person, a happy first nephew.”
  • “As I am not going to feel happy if today is your first birthday, many congratulations, nephew.”
  • “You came to this world to brighten the lives of many people, and I am one of them, I love you very much, a nephew, and today I wish you a happy birthday.”
  • “In addition to your gift, I send you a kiss, a big hug, and my best wishes, happy first-year nephew.”
  • “I promise you, dear nephew, that in addition to being your uncle, I will be your friend and that you can trust me when you need it, happy first birthday.”
  • “When you grow up, you will realize that in addition to your Parents, there were other people who saw you grow up and that we were with you in the most important moments, happy first-year nephew.”
  • “Today your Mom makes you a delicious cake, Dad will give you a nice gift, and I will give you a big hug while I say how much I love you, happy birthday nephew.”
  • “When I see you, I can say that being a baby is the best stage of life because you only receive love from the people who love you, happy birthday nephew, enjoy your first year.”
  • “Dear little nephew, you are an angel of love who came to this world to bring happiness. I wish you a happy first year and many blessings to your family.”
  • “Happy birthday, nephew, your journey is just beginning, and I wish you to fulfill all your dreams throughout your life.”
  • “You are my spoiled nephew, for whom I always have a little time and who is always in charge of stealing a smile from me, that’s why I wish you a happy first birthday.”
  • Your Nephew and his parents will really like these messages to wish you a happy birthday.

Happy 1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew

How exciting it can be for a nephew to read the letter his uncle wrote to him when he was one year old. Surely it fills him with joy to see that this guy loved him so much, and he already cared about him and said beautiful words.

Happy 1st Birthday Wishes for Nephew

  • The challenge of writing it may not be easy, but we believe that with these tips and examples, anyone can decide to write to their Nephew.
  • What counts is the beautiful detail because they are sure that if you write it with love, the text will always be beautiful. We share these examples of letters for a nephew who is one year old.
  • When you were born, I confess that I didn’t think I was so excited to see you, but you were such a beautiful piece of meat that I couldn’t help, but tears of emotion escaped me. Twelve long months have passed since that first day, and every time I see you, I feel a lump in the throat of so much happiness.
  • Watching you grow up will be one of the most beautiful things I have to live. And I will be there for what you need. I will take care of you and try to guide you on the right path. It will not be easy because life has many twists and turns, but I am sure that with my effort and your effort, we will make your life a beautiful place, worth living.
  • I hope we are friends that we share tastes so that it is easier for us to spend time together. Today I bring you many gifts. Surely you will not have the memory of them, but I cross my fingers so that this letter is saved, and my love for you reflected here is preserved against the passage of time.
  • I love you, Nephew. Have a happy day on your birthday.
  • Today, one year after your arrival in this world, I want to tell you that you have made the whole family very happy, especially your parents, who are very proud to have you. Still, the truth is that you have also filled me with satisfaction and happiness.
  • I never thought that I would love you as I love you, I must be honest with you: taking care of yourself, accompanying you, feeding you sometimes and seeing you fall asleep have made me a tremendously happy person.
  • It is an experience to participate in your upbringing, even hearing you cry and then seeing you smile are moments that today I do not change for anything. Thank you, Nephew.
  • Today you celebrate your first year of life, and I wanted to dedicate these words to you, first to celebrate it and then to say I love you. Count on me for what you need, always do it.
  • I hope to live up to your expectations when the time comes.
  • Just never forget that I love you. Happy day, nephew. Have a beautiful life.
  • For my adored little Nephew: In addition to being my Nephew, you are my sister’s son, a person that I love as a mother, so you can already imagine the immense love I feel for you, dear Nephew.
  • A whole year has passed since the day you were born, and we are gathered here to celebrate this beautiful event.
  • I know that the party, which has you as the protagonist, we enjoy more than you, who, being a baby, does not yet realize these things. For this reason, I dared to write the letter to you, so that you have it on record and when you grow up you can read the words that I am writing to you.
  • Surely you will be able to perceive the love that surrounds me, that surrounds us all, a love that arises from you, that you are pure tenderness and emotion.
  • Dear Nephew, happy day. Have fun today and always. Don’t let anything overshadow your life and grow healthy, happy. I am and will be there for what you need. I love you so much.

May these beautiful letters for a one-year-old nephew be liked by many. Surely they help to generate even more happiness. Luck.

What to Give Nephew as 1st Birthday Gift for From Aunt & Uncle

What to give to a nephew depends on his age and occasion, in connection with which a 1st Birthday Gift for Nephew From Aunt & Uncle is presented. You can cause delight with a successful gift, even if you have never met. Follow our recommendations and surprise your nephew!