The best 3rd Birthday Party Games Ideas: For some reason, it is the first three years of parenthood that are considered the most difficult. But this one of the most difficult periods for parents tends to end, and it is time to plan how to celebrate a child’s birthday for 3-years.
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Best 3rd Birthday Party Games Ideas
A three-year-old baby is a practically formed independent personality with its own interests and views. The third birthday of the child differs significantly from the first three in that the baby is already well aware that this is his triumph, and he is the main figure on it.
The task of parents is to attract the child to the organization of the holiday to maximally interest him in what is happening. Then the baby will look forward to the event and is fully aware that this day is special for him.
It is precisely because the child already understands everything well; it is better to celebrate the third birthday in the circle of friends of the baby. A three-year-old child will not be interested at a table with adult uncles and aunts, he will want to have fun, and it is easier to do this with peers.
Where to Note?
The baby is most comfortable at home. But when preparing to celebrate your third birthday at home, you need to realize that a company of little fidgets will host your apartment. These kids are not easy to control, especially if there are a lot of them. Besides, mothers will come with them, because for three years it is unlikely that someone will let go alone, which means you will have more trouble about where to place and what to treat mothers with while the little one frolics around.
Even children may not share toys, based on which the debate and tantrums will begin? And the holiday will be spoiled. Therefore, think over all the moments before inviting the kids to yourself.
If you still decide to celebrate the holiday at home, remove all valuable and struggling objects well in advance, because three-year-olds, especially when there are a lot of them, are very difficult to control.
There is an alternative to an apartment – entertainment centers and games rooms. There is a place for entertainment, children will not bother anyone, and your home will remain safe and sound. You can simply rent a room, or you can invite an animator in the same entertainment center. The children will not be bored throughout the holiday, and the professional will be able to direct their energy in the right direction.
Find out in advance whether there is a children’s cafe in the entertainment center because young guests should be treated. If there is no cafe, you will have to organize a treat yourself, taking it with you.
If the baby was born in the warm season, you could celebrate a birthday in nature. But do not forget that this is a children’s holiday, and the children are still quite small, so you should choose a safe place.
It is better not to make a bonfire because three-year-olds are such fidgets and are interested in everything that surrounds them. For the same reason, you should not arrange a holiday near a reservoir. Also, when planning a vacation in nature, do not forget to think over an alternative option in case the weather deteriorates on the appointed day.
We Decorate the Room
The kid is very interested in participating in everything that adults do, and especially when it comes to preparing for the holiday. Joint preparation will help the child feel that it is his holiday, that he is becoming more adult and independent.
Let the child not be able to inflate a ball or hang a garland, but you can consult with him where to hang it, how many and which balls to use to decorate the hall. And do not forget just to leave a few balls on the floor – the kids really like to play with them.
In addition to balls, you can decorate the room with a variety of posters with photos of the baby or with your favorite cartoon characters.
Since you are going to celebrate your third birthday, you can’t do without the number 3 in the decor. Let it be a figure laid out from a child’s photos on the wall or a triple cut out of cardboard and decorated in the theme of the holiday.
You can also order a triple of balloons – three-year-olds will definitely like this decor. three of the balls at the end of the holiday can be given to young guests so that they play with it – the kids will be delighted.
Another original solution – garlands of small paper triples.
Holiday Morning
A three-year-old baby is waiting for his holiday and knows and knows that on this day, he will be presented with a gift for 3 years old baby, so prepare a surprise for the child in advance. To make it more interesting, you can creatively pack a gift, for example, in several layers of paper.
And you can arrange a small quest, as a result of which the baby will find his gift. An example of such a quest is to give a birthday man a drawing of a washing machine cut into several parts.
The birthday boy collects a drawing and goes to the washing machine. Inside it, he finds a drawing of a pillow, searches for a pillow, and finally, under the pillow, he finds a photograph of a wardrobe, in which the long-awaited gift is hidden. Do not make the quest too long and complicated – three simple steps are enough.
What to Choose Entertainment?
We have more than enough energy for three-year-olds, so when planning, 3rd Birthday Party Games Ideas, keep in mind that most contests and 3rd Birthday Party Games should be active. Choose options where children need to run, jump, let their energy splash out. Dance contests with simple movements are very suitable for this age.
But nevertheless, it is worth alternating active classes with quiet ones, so that children do not overdo it. Let them solve several puzzles, arrange a contest for the best drawing. You can attract kids to create a large birthday card collaboratively.
Prepare a sheet of cardboard or Whatman paper in advance, pencils, felt-tip pens, sparkles, small paper figures. Let the kids come up with their own greeting card design. Such a card in the future will remind you how fun you celebrated your third birthday. Imagine how interesting it will be to look at a grown-up baby.
3rd Birthday Party Games Games Ideas
Here are some competition options of 3rd Birthday Party Games Games Ideas for kids:
Ball Game
Each child is given a balloon. Team members throw balls into the air and, with their hands, prevent them from falling to the floor. Whoever has the ball lasts the longest is the winner.
The Most Accurate
The participants are divided into three teams. We put three boxes on the chairs. Children take turns throwing small balls into boxes. Which team threw more balls into the box won.
A dance competition in which children repeat simple dance moves behind the host. Who gets lost, he drops out of the competition. The winner is the one who will dance the longest.
Show the Animal
The baby is called a beast in his ear, and he must show it. The remaining participants guess who the child showed.
Mystery Competition
We make riddles to the children, but they do not name the answer but show it. For example, if a cat is made up, babies should meow. So they will be more interested than just guessing.
Soccer ball
Children are divided into three teams. The room is divided by tape into three halves. The goal of each team is to move the ball with the help of their legs to half the opponent. The game takes several minutes while the music is playing. The winner is the team in whose territory the ball has visited fewer times.
Find the Color
Harvest several cards of different colors. The host picks up the card, and the children call the color and look for things around them of the same color.
And don’t forget about the prizes. Small participants will be pleased to receive prizes. Let it be some little things, but the prize must be awarded not only to the winner but to all participants so that the kids are not offended.
Clowns and other disguised characters on their third birthday are better not to invite. At this age, children can be afraid of a large uncle in a suit and with makeup.
Fortune Telling
One of the most popular native Russian traditions, which has taken root in our days. Several items are laid out in front of the birthday man: a ring (successful marriage or marriage), wallet (wealth), dumbbell (health), a book (intellectual abilities), colors (creative abilities). Now it remains only to wait for what your baby will choose and correctly decipher the results.
Merry Quiz
Prepare questions that would directly relate to the birthday person: how much the baby had at birth, what color is his spring overalls, a favorite song, or favorite dish of the baby. Do not forget to prepare small gifts for those participating, for example, calendars with photos of the birthday person.
Find Differences
On a sheet of A3 format, attach three photographs of a year old: yours, the father of the child, and the baby himself. Let the guests mark who the birthday boy looks like. Want to complicate the fun? Then under the photos, sign the parts of the face: nose, mouth, eyes, cheeks. Perhaps the guests will decide: they took something from the papa, something from the mother.
Pot With Surprise
Put in a row plastic pots for medium-sized flowers, hide gifts for little guests under them. Have the children take turns to get the ball into one of the pots from a short distance (about a meter). In case of a successful throw, the baby will be able to raise the pot and pick up the gift.
Reach the Goal
Cut 4 pairs of footprints from thick cardboard for each baby the size of a baby’s foot. Invite the child to get from the beginning of the room to its end. Stepping only on the tracks, but without touching the floor.
Hidden Next
Tie a long rope to the toy mouse – 5-6 meters. Hide the toy, and put the rope on the floor, slide it under the chairs, and in some places, stretch it on the table. Tell the kids the story about the mouse that came running to congratulate the birthday boy and hid. Invite the children to find her on the trail – a long tail-rope.
In Search of Treasures
In five-liter pots (there should be as many as there are children at the holiday). Sprinkle enough cereal. Hide a few walnuts in each pan. Invite each of the children to find these nuts in pots with cereals.
Drive a Dance
The popular Round Loaf Loop can be replaced with other similar games. Everyone gets up in a round dance and moves in a circle: “We inflate a balloon quickly, it becomes big! (Hands spread apart.) The ball suddenly burst, became thin! (They lower the handles down and, without disengaging them, run to the center of the round dance.)”.
Treats for Younger Guests
three-year-old children do not eat for a long time. They need only 15-30 minutes for this purpose. Therefore, choose dishes for the festive table simple, but at the same time bright, so that the kids would be interested.
Let it be small sandwiches with a cherry tomato in the shape of a ladybug or with a fish laid out from grated carrots.
If you are preparing mashed potatoes, put it on plates in the shape of some kind of fairy-tale hero or just in the shape of a funny face.
And of course, children love sweets, so desserts will certainly be in demand. Choose light and healthy desserts with jelly, fruits, cottage cheese. A great option is a fruit salad. You can cut the fruits and put them in separate containers.
We put yogurt for dressing next to it. Let the kids choose what they want to see in their salad and mix the ingredients themselves. Such a treat with an element of the game will appeal to children.
Stock up on water and juices because after active entertainment. The kids will feel thirsty.
The Culmination of the Holiday
What ends with any holiday? Cake! And of course with presents. It is at the end of the holiday that it is better to make a gift ceremony. If you give them at the beginning, there is a risk that the whole birthday Party Games will be occupied only with gifts. Or even worse – guests will want to play with birthday gifts. Then the holiday may be ruined.
The procedure for making the cake can also be beaten. For example, hold a small quiz. Let the birthday Party Games with guests solve several riddles to “spell” the cake.
Children’s holiday does not take much time. Just three or three hours is enough for the kids to frolic in plenty. With this in mind, and best 3rd Birthday Party Games Ideas.
It is better to invite little guests for the first half of the day. Then the child will have the opportunity to relax during daytime sleep and prepare for the meeting of relatives who also want to congratulate the baby.
Adult Guests
So that no one bothers anyone, spend a holiday for children and adults separately. If it is better to collect the kids in the morning, then invite relatives and friends in the afternoon, after the day’s sleep of the birthday boy. Then the birthday man rested, and joyful will greet the guests with a smile.
The main part of the event for adults is a feast, but do not turn the baby’s holiday into banal gatherings. Let uncles and aunts participate in competitions, which will certainly please the hero of the occasion. And they will remember such a holiday more.
Birthday in Kindergarten
First, ask your teacher how to celebrate the birthdays of babies in the group. Let them tell you what treats it is better to bring. In any case, it is not advisable to treat with chocolate, sweet soda, and other products that can cause allergies. Bring fruit, non-biscuit cookies, natural juice, or stewed fruit.
If the parent committee congratulates each birthday person, turn in a fee so that your little one is presented with a bit of surprise. You should not arrange a grand celebration in the garden, because other mothers can misunderstand it.
Their three-year-olds will also begin to ask for such a Party Games, and not everyone has the opportunity to arrange it. You do not want to set up a team against yourself and your child?