The Best Cute short heat touching emotional Birthday Letter for Best Friend: Happy Birthday Best Friend Letter: It happens to you every year: your friend’s birthday approaches, and the bull catches you organizing a gift that surprises her, is original, and shows her how much you care. Sometimes, the secret is not so much in looking for the most extraordinary gift in the world and spending a fortune but in stirring in your small (or large) anecdotes and experiences.
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Heart Touching Emotional Birthday Letter for Best Friend
That is what makes a very special gift or congratulation unique, the fact of knowing that it cannot be the same as another because it is built with what you have experienced in your friendship. And every relationship is based on many details that only you and her knowledge, but it is necessary to stop in her tracks and remember, even pull messages, photos, and videos to help us refresh our memory.
Touching Happy Birthday Best Friend Letter
Therefore, beyond the physical detail that you can or want to have with her, you always have to accompany it with some sincere words, those are the ones that most excite! Perhaps a birthday letter for a friend that talks about everything you have lived through and still have to live or about what you will want to do in the years to come.
Close your eyes and write with your feelings in hand; the result will be spectacular. And if you need inspiration, here are two proposals for letters to write to your friend on her birthday.
Letter #1: Short Letter to My Best Friend on Birthday
My precious friend,
Today I have the opportunity to send you this letter, sending you my sincere congratulations on your birthday. Sincerely, we hope to see you soon to celebrate and share as we have always done. I’ll never forget the day we met and how you grew to be my best friend over time. Right now, I can’t find the words to express all the love I feel for you And how important your company has been, both in bad times and in good times.
I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and loved ones on this auspicious day. As usual, we will see each other and sing birthdays, as we have been doing all these years.
With lots of love.
Letter #2: Write a Letter to Your Friend on His Birthday
Dear friend,
First of all, I start by wishing you a happy birthday! I want to send you the best wishes and blessings for this new year of your life. I hope you continue to grow as a person and learn many good things to achieve all your goals and aspirations. Also, I hope they are still there to see you grow and to support you in everything you need.
They are many years of friendship that continues to increase more and more and cannot go under the table. Fate brought us together, and I’m glad to say that you’re my best friend and one of the most important individuals in my life.
See you soon to celebrate. Much affection.
Letter #3: Letter to Friend Wishing Happy Birthday
My precious friend,
Today is very special since we celebrate the birth of one of the most special people I know: nothing more and nothing less than my best friend. On a day like today, our God decided to part with one of his angels to make this a better world. You are one of the best people I know, genuine, intelligent, and kind, who has been there for me in every moment that I have needed it.
We can only celebrate as God intended and enjoy a beautiful day with your family and loved ones. I wish you a very happy birthday, along with all the good wishes and blessings that you deserve.
Letter #4: Emotional Birthday Letter for Best Friend
To my best friend,
There are no words to convey everything you mean to me, how important and necessary you have become for my life. I take this moment to extend this letter congratulating you on your birthday and expressing all the love I feel towards you.
You have shown me how much you are worth and mean to me in all these years of friendship. I am well aware of how strange and sad my life could be without your presence and company. All the crazy things and moments that we have shared together have forged an inseparable union between us. Which I hope will last for life.
It is for all this that I wish you the best birthday in the world and the most sincere blessings for your life from now on.
With love,
Letter #5: Heart Touching Birthday Letter for Best Friend
My precious friend and confidant,
In all these years together, in which we have shared all kinds of moments. From the saddest to the most cheerful and crazy. There is something that I admire and appreciate. That we have managed to overcome all difficulties and remain genuine with each other. And it is something that I will always value.
Because of what I just said and because of all that you mean to me, which I’ll never be able to put into words, I decided to write you this letter. To be able to express all my love to you on this particular day, like your birthday.
I can only tell you from the bottom of my heart: Happy birthday! To my best friend, my sister, and partner in madness. Sincerely, we hope to see you soon to celebrate and share as we have always done.
Letter #6:Cute Birthday Letter for Best Friend for Long Time No See
Dear friend,
Many years have passed since we met on the road, who was going to tell us! It is a bit of vertigo to look back because, when you do, it is when you realize that the years go by too fast. However, you also realize how wonderful it is to see life move forward and that you still have some people to your side, unconditionally, willing to live everything with you and get the funniest side of everything that happens to you.
Gone are all the afternoons of the university in the cafeteria, eating and drinking on the lawn, organizing some classwork. At the same time, we wanted to go home or staying to stay for dinner and then go out to party with great makeup and ready to give everything dancing. Those times were good, but I wouldn’t trade them for what we have today. Not for nothing, but because a lot of things have happened to us along the way, we have been evolving, changing, living longer, and we have done all that together. Can you ask a friend for something more beautiful?
They say that birthdays are the perfect opportunity to make a ‘remember’ of those things and I can’t agree more! Today, on your birthday, I go back to college and our “innocent” expectations to review each of the trips we have made together (and their anecdotes). Missing a train at minus 11 degrees? Make friends from other countries? Cry with laughter at any anecdote? Tirelessly planning a trip? Throw ourselves on the beach to reflect on life and our plans for the future? Tell us the past without fear of judging ourselves? I would live every moment with you again. We have cried, we have accompanied each other in bad times, and we have been happy for all the good ones because, after all, that is what friendship consists of. And when a certain date arrives, like your birthday, I cannot be happier to continue adding plots and years to our history. I’m so glad to have you as a friend.
Finally, in this year that you start, I am not going to wish you the typical (otherwise, it would not be me). I wish you this “new year” that begins today to laugh until your abs hurt (those that will never hurt from playing sports, and you know it), that they surprise you until you drop your jaw, that you hug (in the distance) as if the most distant were by your side and, above all, that you learn to appreciate the details that this new stage has prepared for you. Because at the end of the day, that’s what happiness and life consist of. In making the most of those details and knowing how to value them.
I’m sure there will be a lot of good things coming to you. Happy Birthday!
Your friend loves you.
Letter #7: Touching Birthday Letter to a Best Friend
Dear friend,
I can’t start this letter any other way: happy birthday, happy birthday! I hope and wish that this birthday is not the most special and that you have many other very special ones, but you do enjoy it and make the most of it. It is one day a year, and that must be appreciated!
I look back, and each of the birthdays we have celebrated together has been different and special. Some have been shared; others, separated in the distance but, in the end, we enjoy with friends. And so, little by little, the years have passed, and look at us now, who was going to tell us!
I’ve always heard that birthdays are special dates to review everything that two people have experienced, and I didn’t want to let the day go by without reminding you how much I love you and how happy I am to have you by my side. Great people (like me ha ha ha) surround themselves with extraordinary people, and you are undoubtedly one of those. I am convinced that we should all do the same: stop one day a year (or even more) and really review our history with another person: try to remember the first day we lived with her, the saddest days, the happiest, the details, fits of laughter, anger, and whys. We should not forget each of those things because they are what nurture a relationship. The exercise of remembering them keeps them alive.
So I’m going to take this opportunity to explain to you in a somewhat more extensive way how grateful I am to have you in my life. Here we go!
THANK YOU because from the first day we met, you accepted me without judging, and you stayed by my side without thinking about it.
THANK YOU because you have cared to really know me.
THANK YOU because although we do not agree on things, although we do not think the same. You listen, try to understand, argue, accept or not, But always from the affection and respect of a friend.
THANK YOU because even when we have argued, you have proven to be my friend.
THANK YOU for letting me have my space, but, at the same time, let me take care of you.
THANK YOU for every trip we’ve made, for every anecdote we’ve experienced, for every soft drink on a terrace, every dinner, every night out, every important moment …
THANK YOU for letting me share the most painful moments with you. Because they already say it: the penalties, if they are shared, are fewer penalties.
THANK YOU for greening people who needed to green, even knowing that it might be a bit unfair.
THANK YOU because you give me that different vision. That point of view that I do not see, from the affection and respect but also from the objectivity of a friend.
THANK YOU for letting me celebrate one more birthday with you.
In short, THANK YOU for being my friend and letting me be.
I love you.
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