2 Year Old Birthday Party Food: Every mother wants a special day of the year – her child’s birthday, to be bright, special, and memorable.
At the age of 2, the child does not have any special happy birthday wishes about the holiday, so the mom must carefully think over and organize everything so that it is interesting to everyone invited, especially children.

A child’s birthday should be bright, colorful, and interesting.
Most parents prefer to spend the birthday party at home, and it’s more convenient. Contests, clown, animation – all this can be ordered at home, but the menu is a little more complicated.
It is necessary to prepare such dishes that would be tasty, healthy and served on the table in a special way in order to attract the attention of children, and they wanted to try them.
What dishes to choose, what to serve first at the table, and how to serve everything? All these questions are asked by all mothers who are preparing a birthday for their 2-year-old baby.
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What Should Not Be on the Holiday Table
There are small food restrictions that every mother must adhere to if she wants to organize a holiday for a 2-year-old child and his friends.
"This method really works! I tried it on my son Jesus and after just one week he went from waking up more than 5 times a night to waking up just once or twice. You are a lifesaver, Mary-Ann!" - Mirella
At this age, not all foods and dishes can be eaten, so the main thing when compiling a birthday menu:
- No salty, spicy, and fatty foods;
- Dishes with pepper, mayonnaise sauce, and garlic are not welcome on the table;
- Smoked meats are also better to remove;
- Do not experiment by mixing many different products in one dish;
- Remove fresh fruits and vegetables from the menu that can cause allergies;
- Do not put on the table fish dishes with bones, grapes, fruits with rough skin, and what a child can choke on, set aside for the holidays of the older generation;
- Fruits and vegetables that can stain clothes should be kept to a minimum.
Beautiful and tasty 2 Year Old Birthday Party Food
Recently, canape sandwiches have been very popular on the children’s menu. To interest children, it is desirable to perform them in an unusual form of boats, stars, or bugs. In addition, only safe products will be needed for their preparation, and it will take a little time to create them.
Canape sandwiches are very popular on the children’s menu.
Canapes are prepared only from fresh bread, preferably white, butter, pieces of boiled pork, but not fried, but baked, delicate varieties of cheese and vegetables or fruits. Turn on your imagination and prepare canapes from those products that your beloved baby loves more.
It is important for children to never use skewers and toothpicks for canapés; the child may prick them.
Delicious and healthy salads for a children’s holiday
Healthy salads can be laid out on a plate in the form of an animal or a flower, and small children will like this serving. There are a large number of salads; each mother can choose from this list for her menu, those that she likes, but pay attention to this salad.
1. Salad “Sunshine”
I want to say that it contains orange and lemon, so for children prone to allergies, it is better not to cook it. Otherwise, it is very light, satisfying, and tasty.
To prepare it, you will need:
- Orange – 2 pcs.;
- Chicken egg – 2 pcs., but they can be replaced with 8 quail eggs, which will make the salad even more useful;
- Boiled chicken – 300 g;
- Cucumber;
- An apple.
As a dressing, you can use a sauce that is made from yogurt, olive oil, a couple of drops of lemon juice, and egg yolks.
The salad is prepared as follows: oranges, cucumber, and apple peeled and cut as small as possible. Peel the egg, finely chop and add to the rest of the ingredients, do the same with the chicken. Salt, mix, and beautiful layout in the form of the sun on a plate, pour sauce on top.
The salad is ready, and you can serve the kids at the table. But remember that citrus fruits can cause allergies, so ask mothers invited to the kids’ holiday about whether they can eat fruits that can provoke such a reaction. Be sure to adjust the menu based on this.
2. Salad “Tropics”
The menu for the birthday of children of 2 years of age should be varied, satisfying and light, so parents should pay attention to the Tropics salad, which almost all children love and eat with great pleasure.
The recipe is quite simple and easy does not require many high costs, as it contains a small number of ingredients.
Its preparation will require:
- 300 g of chicken, only boiled;
- 300-400 grams of pineapples;
- 1 apple, preferably green;
- grapes in the amount of 1 cup.
Peel apples, grate on a fine grater, and sprinkle lightly with lemon juice. Grind pineapple and add to apples, do the same with meat. Cut the grapes in half and add to the dish. You can fill it with mayonnaise, but only homemade or yogurt.
You can also add a vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and greens to the festive menu, but just chop the vegetables finely and season them with olive oil. It is better to serve the salad on the table in small salad bowls for each child separately.
3. Sweet fruit salad
The child will eat this delicious salad with great pleasure. It is prepared immediately before the guests arrive, as the fruit may lose its color, and the salad will not look very attractive.
It is worth asking the parents of invited children if they are allergic to bee products and nuts; if not, then honey is added to the bottom of the salad bowl, and the top of the salad is sprinkled with chopped nuts.
For the salad, you will need:
- green apple, banana;
- 1 glass of sultana grapes;
- 1 pear fruit;
- a glass of yogurt.
Take fruits without peeling and cut them into small pieces. Divide the grapes in half combined with fruit. Mix everything, put in small salad bowls, and pour the yogurt over the top of the dish. At the same time, this delicious and light dish is prepared quickly and will surely appeal to children.
A child’s birthday happens once a year and 2 years once in a lifetime, and every mother wants to make this day special, so the menu for this day is selected carefully.
Salads are ready, but what a holiday without second courses, but what to cook for a children’s birthday, what would be beautiful, tasty and liked by children.
Main dishes
For a children’s birthday, you should not cook a lot of hot dishes, because children eat little, they are more interested in entertainment than a festive table. Therefore, you can cook only a side dish and a meat dish for a children’s holiday.
For a children’s birthday, when the child is only 2 years old, and almost all guests are of the same age, it is better to choose meat dishes with minced meat. They cook quickly, and the meat is tenderly soft; a child at 2 years old will eat it with pleasure.
Which recipe to choose for your child’s birthday, each mother decides for herself, but perhaps this one will be liked more.
4. Chicken zrazy with quail egg
Little children will definitely like these zrazy, because they are very tender and tasty. Besides, they have a little secret inside that will interest the children and make them eat food.
Chicken zrazy with quail egg will definitely appeal to children!
To prepare them, you will need:
- 400 g minced chicken;
- 1/3 cup rice;
- small carrots;
- bulb;
- 12 boiled quail eggs;
- 2 tomatoes.
Zrazy is prepared like this:
- Grind the onion with a blender and add to the minced meat.
- Add cooked rice to minced meat.
- Salt, mix thoroughly until the minced meat becomes soft.
- Roll the minced meat into a ball, hide the peeled quail egg inside and roll it up.
- Boil in boiling water for 10 minutes, lower them into the water carefully on a spoon.
- Fry carrots and tomatoes in a pan.
- Put the zrazy in the gravy and add the broth to cover them completely.
- Simmer for 20 minutes, then put the pan in the oven for 5 minutes.
You can serve zrazy with a surprise with any of the side dishes, but the child will definitely like the multi-colored mashed potatoes; it is also very healthy, as it is prepared from natural products. It is very easy to prepare it.
5. Potato puree “Traffic light.”
Dishes from natural products enriched with useful substances should please every mother. Besides, bright colors perfectly decorate the table attract children who come to the holiday to it.
What’s a birthday without sweets! Preference should be given to light, not too sweet pastries and cakes.
To make colorful mashed potatoes, you will need:
- Potatoes – 1 kg;
- Butter – 50 g;
- Cream – 200 ml;
- Carrot juice – 3 tbsp. L.;
- Beetroot – 3 tbsp. L.;
- Spinach juice – 3 tbsp. L.
Boil the peeled potatoes until cooked, add salt during the cooking process.
After the water has been drained, it is necessary to mash the potatoes by adding butter and cream to it. Beat everything well so that the mass is light and homogeneous.
Divide the puree into three parts: in the first, add carrot juice, in the 2nd – beet juice, in the third – spinach.
Put the puree in the form of balls into a pan put it in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.
You can not bake multi-colored mashed potatoes for a children’s birthday, but simply beautifully put them on a plate for each baby. This puree will decorate any table.
The birthday of a child, especially one who turns 2 years old, should be interesting, the menu is ready, now you need to choose drinks and sweets.
From drinks, milkshakes of different colors with the addition of fruits are well suited; everything here already depends on the mother’s imagination.
Milkshakes are very healthy and tasty, and every child will drink such a drink with great pleasure if you put it on the table.
But as for sweets, here preference should be given to light, not too sweet cakes and cakes. “Bird’s milk,” “Carrot” cake, or any other is perfect, but only with a light and airy cream, children will like this one more.
It is not necessary to overload the table for a small child’s birthday too much; for him, the main thing is entertainment and games with friends. Prepare dishes that the birthday boy loves more, he will eat with pleasure, and other children will follow him the same.
"This method really works! I tried it on my son Jesus and after just one week he went from waking up more than 5 times a night to waking up just once or twice. You are a lifesaver, Mary-Ann!" - Mirella
A child’s birthday should be bright, colorful, and interesting, to be remembered captivated by children, and the dishes should be originally designed, then any child will want to try them.